
HDBM JUNE NETWORKING EVENT: Handling Customer Reviews


Jane Tweedy

Founding Director and Lead Trainer, FAQ Business Training

Jane Tweedy is founder and lead trainer of FAQ Business Training, with a mission to educate and empower small business owners to DIY or outsource with confidence through topical training. Jane is also a part-time Business Connect Advisor for Western Sydney Business Centre, servicing The Hills primarily. The NSW Government funding has allowed Jane to meet over 950 small business owners for personalised meetings about an array of business topics.  Jane is also setting up Business Action Networking and How to Job Search.

Jane is passionate about helping small business owners succeed with a background encompassing corporate, volunteering and small business experience. Jane's corporate background covered investment analytics, people leadership and business management, training, sales and client service. Volunteering includes being a Board Director of a local Bendigo Community Bank® company.
This vast experience is supported by an accumulation of theoretical knowledge with a Master of Applied Finance, Bachelor of Commerce and Administration, Certificate IV's in Small Business Management, and Training and Assessment. Jane is a Graduate of Kate Toon’s Recipe for SEO Success and is currently completing further qualifications in HR and Coaching.

With Jane’s diverse background, she provides training and advice across many areas and gains great satisfaction from helping small business owners succeed!